How do I update my marketing preferences?

Update and customise the marketing communications you receive from us.

You will receive an email from us called Manage your contact preferences with a Manage Preferences
  •  You will receive an email from us called Manage your contact preferences with a Manage Preferences link
  • Click the link and update your communication preferences
  • Once updated, click Update email preferences 

This will update your preferences immediately 

👍 We highly recommend having the Service Email | Operational Updates and the Marketing Email | Tips and Updates email subscriptions ticked as this is how you'll find out about beneficial new features added to the platform 

If you need any further guidance, please contact us and we'll be happy to help

🖥️ Chat to us through the knowledge base - click the chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page

☎️ Call us on 020 8152 2902

✉️ Email us on