How do I add multiple office addresses to my Exizent account?

Follow this step by step guide if you have multiple office addresses you'd like to add to the platform, if you need to set different locations for different cases and/or if you'd like to update a colleague to a certain address

How do I add multiple addresses and assign colleagues?

How do I change an address on a case?

Where will the office address be used?

How can manage or delete office addresses?

Adding multiple addresses to your Exizent account and assigning colleagues

⚠️ Please note, only a user with company admin permissions can access company settings. See here for a guide on permission levels and here for how to view your permission level

  • If you have company admin permission levels, log in to Exizent and click on your name in the top right hand side corner. From the dropdown menu that appears, choose Company settings

Company settings menu-1

  • In Company settings, locate Company addresses and you will see the Primary address you registered with. Underneath this, choose + Add additional address


  • Fill in the Office name and address details and click Save address

20241124 - New Company Settings


👍 If the address needs a corresponding ID or DX number, you can add this by choosing to add the address manually and typing the number in to the City field

  • You will then be asked to assign team members to this office or skip

20241128 - Assign Colleagues Address

  • If you assign colleagues, you'll see a confirmation of this:

20241128 - Colleagues assigned

  • If you chose to Skip, you can go back later and click on the menu button to the right of the address and choose Assign colleagues 

20241128 - Assign Colleagues detail

20241128 - Team Overview

If you'd like to change the address your colleague is assigned to from the team overview, click Edit user

Scroll down to Office address and choose the address you'd like to update them to 

Click Save at the bottom of the page and their address will be updated immediately 


Changing the address on a case 

💁 Company Admins can update an office address on any case

👌 Case owners can update an office address on any case they have created, been  assigned or been added as a collaborator on

⭐ Delegates can update an office address on any case they have been added as a collaborator on 

  • Log in to Exizent and open the case being worked on and on the left hand side menu, at the top click on CASE in order to edit:

20241128 - Company Case ID

  • The user will then be able to choose any address from the drop down menu and click Save changes

⭐ When a case owner or company admin creates a new case, the default address chosen in case settings will be whichever office they are assigned to 

20241128 - Company Case Settings - Address

20241128 - Company Case Settings - Address post save


Where will this office address be used? 

  • This address will be used to map to the IHT400, IHT30, IHT35, C4 and for Scottish users, the C4(s) 
  • IHT400 example:

20241128 - Address on IHT400

Managing office addresses

  • To manage an office address you must have company admin permission levels 
  • Go to company settings and locate the address you'd like to manage 
  • Click on the menu button which is the 3 dots to the right of the address 

20241128 - Managing addresses

  • From this menu you can either Edit address, Assign colleagues or Delete address

20241128 - Managing addresses - detail

👷 Our team are regularly making improvements and adding new features. Some things may have changed since this guide was written as functionality gets even more fabulous. If you need further assistance, please contact the Customer Success team who are always happy to help

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