Estate capital page explained

This guide explains what's detailed in the estate capital page within estate accounts.

Where is the estate capital page? 

To access:

  • Click Estate accounts on the left hand side menu within Estate overview 
  • Click on Estate capital on the left hand side menu within Estate accounts 
  • You will now be looking at the Estate capital page


πŸ‘Click on any asset to be taken to that asset tile within the case:


How is the estate capital page summarised? 

Assets are split out under the following headings: 

  • Bank accounts and savings 
  • Personal investments 
  • National Savings and Investment products 
  • Business interests 
  • Building and land 
  • Pensions
  • Personal effects and other assets
  • Money owed to deceased

What information is included under each summary? 

  • The name/account details relating to the institution the asset is held in 
  • The share the deceased had in the asset 
  • The date of death value (the deceased's share) 
  • Under Bank accounts and savings and National Savings and Investment products, any after date of death income and expenses the user has added relating to the assets are displayed 
  • The realised value that the user has entered in to the asset is displayed
  • Under Bank accounts and savings and National Savings and Investment products, the realised value will be highlighted in red if it does not match what the system auto calculates the realised value should be
  • Under Personal investments, Business interests, Buildings and land, Pensions, Personal effects and other assets and Money owed to deceased, the gain/loss relating to the asset is displayed 

πŸŽ“ Definition of Realised value on the Exizent platform: The value ingathered, plus or minus any income/expense after date of death. Therefore, realised values on an asset should be entered/updated by you, the user, once you have that final value 

πŸŽ“ Definition of Auto calculated realised value: System generated based on the date of death value entered by the user, plus/minus any after date of death income/expense entered by the user 

❓How do I add expenses after date of death?

πŸ€” How do I enter income after date of death? 

πŸ‘· Our team are regularly making improvements and adding new features. Some things may have changed since this guide was written as functionality gets even more fabulous. If you need further assistance, please contact the Customer Success team who are always happy to help

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