How do I choose where asset values and income after date of death is received?

This article guides you through how to choose where income after date of death and money ingathered from assets is received and where this will be displayed within estate accounts.

How do I choose where money ingathered for assets goes?

How do I choose where income in to the estate goes?

Where can I see asset values that have been sent to 'other'?

Where can I see asset values sent to the client cash account?

Where can I see income sent to the client cash account?

Where can I see income paid directly in to the asset before account closure?

Where can I see income sent to other?

🎓 The income destinations available to choose will change dependent on the type of income or asset chosen. Learn more about how to add income. 

How do I choose where money ingathered for asset goes?

  • Open an asset 
  • Go down to the Realised value 
  • Enter the value and the date received. What's a realised value and how do I update it?
  • If the money came straight in to the Client cash account, choose this option 
  • If the money was received anywhere else, choose Other
  • If Other is chosen, a field will then appear for you to free type where the money was received 

How do I choose where income in to the estate goes? 

  • Navigate to income
  • Enter income information. How do I add income?
  • Within Proceeds of income destination, dependent on the asset, you will choose to send it to either Client cash account, Asset value or Other
  • If Other is chosen, a field will then appear for you to free type where the money came in to

Where is the destination of asset values shown? 

If you chose to send an ingathered amount for an asset to 'Other': 

  • When you export the accounts to PDF, you'll see the details within the Distribution page under the heading Proceeds of Income with a destination of other and then the total at the bottom: How do I export Estate accounts? 

If you chose to send an ingathered amount for an asset to 'Client cash account': 

  • You'll see the value of any assets sent to the client cash account in the Client cash account tab within Estate accounts: Client cash account explained 

  • Any client cash account value makes up the net estate total. If you haven't distributed yet, you'll see the amount within Net estate on the Distribution page: How do I export Estate accounts? 


Where is the destination of income values shown? 

Income destination - Client cash account: 

  • Any income being paid directly in to the client cash account will show in the Client cash account and Income & receipts tabs within Estate accounts: How do I find Estate accounts tabs? 

Income destination - Asset value: 

Income destination - Other: 

  • When you export the accounts, you'll see this income on the Distribution page under Proceeds of income with a destination of other and within the total at the bottom:  How do I export Estate accounts? 

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