A guide on how to settle a liability
🫶 If you need a hand creating a liability, please see here
- Open the liability you wish to settle
- Scroll down to Settling the liability
- If the liability was paid for by an executor or a person related to the case, choose Yes in Paid by a third party? *
- To select who will be paid back, choose who paid the liability in the dropdown menu within Recipient of funds
👤 If the person who paid doesn't appear in this dropdown menu, add them as a person to the case with the role of creditor. How do I add a person to my case?
- Choose No in Paid by a third party?* if it was not
- Add the Settlement value
- If the liability has not been settled and therefore no information is updated in to this section, this will show as an unsettled liability within estate accounts
- If there has been a partial payment, add this value in Settlement value and the remainder to be paid will show in the unsettled values within estate accounts
💵 You can choose whether you want to include unsettled values in distribution amounts to beneficiaries. How do I add a distribution?
- Choose either Client Cash Account or one of the deceased's bank account's to settle from
- Add the Date
- Save
👍 Liabilities are shown in the Liabilities & payments and Reconciliation section tabs of Estate accounts
⭐ The total of any settled or unsettled liabilities will show within the liabilities section of both PDF and excel estate accounts outputs. How do I view estate accounts?
⚠️ If you have chosen to settle the liability from a bank account, you will need ensure this is taken in to account on the asset by updating its realised value. See here for further information on realised values
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