How do I view and share estate accounts for my case?

You can produce a set of Estate Accounts on the Exizent platform at any stage by:

20220110 Estate accounts outline (Menu)-1

  • Clicking the Export button:

EA export

  • Choosing whether you want to Save as PDF or selecting your printer from the Destination dropdown menu:

EA export print box

  • Once saved or printed the Estate accounts can be shared with your client for review
  • As you add expenses, income, realised values and distributions to your case, more and more data will be automatically populated within Estate accounts for your case
  • When the final Estate accounts are ready to be produced, follow the steps above to save or print and send to your client for review and sign off on the signatory page
  • You can store a copy of the signed Estate accounts in the Documents tab of your case for future reference and audit purposes. See Document uploads for help

👷 Our team are regularly making improvements and adding new features. Some things may have changed since this guide was written as functionality gets even more fabulous. If you need further assistance, please contact the Customer Success team who are always happy to help. 

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